Sonic Tumblr Post: 2023-12-18 17:01:10Z - Sonic World


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Monday, December 18, 2023

Sonic Tumblr Post: 2023-12-18 17:01:10Z

Sonic Dream Team Concept Art for Scrambled Shores. Looks too good to be true – bright and colourful tracks, sandy beaches, blue skies and turquoise waters. The track wraps around the islands, goes over the waters, and reaches into the sky supported by clouds. But something is not quite right- the trees, wildlife, and vegetation are fake inflatable versions of the real thing...ALT
Sonic Dream Team Concept Art for Dream Factory. Zone 2 visits the part of Dr. Eggman’s mind that creates his inventions and Badniks- the Dream Factory. Here we see how his ideas are formed.ALT
Sonic Dream Team Concept Art for Nightmare Maze. Represents the inner madness of Dr. Eggman. A labyrinth of paths and platforms at all angles, there is no clear up or down. Waterfalls will flow against your expectations. You’ll be able to run on the side of walls and the ceiling physics will not be as expected.ALT
Sonic Dream Team Concept Art for Ego City. Dr Eggman’s dream city with no limits. It's an unadulterated boost to Eggman, a city that celebrates Eggman and his brilliance every day. A parade of Eggman-themed floats glides along the central avenue while hundreds of Badniks cheer them on, speaker drones fly above playing comically positive messages about Eggman.ALT

See the stuff dreams are made of with these concept art pieces of the whimsical zones from Sonic Dream Team!

Posted from: Sonic The Hedgehog to this blog .

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